You know how it goes, tell someone in passing your favourite animal and every Christmas receive a new panda related gift. Enjoyed East 17 as a teenager? You know granny will be getting you a fluffy parka every year for the rest of your life.
We’re taking a stand against tacky presents. All too often us men are afraid to ask for proper gifts, so this year we’ll TELL you what the guy in your life wants. With our series of Christmas shopping guides we’ll point you in the right direction of what he’s actually hoping for in his stocking with something to suit every budget. Today we're talking gadgets.
The Gadget Guy
This fella is never off his tablet/smartphone/satnav/workout tech/hi-spec pc (circle as appropriate) and you know he’ll be the first to volunteer when they’re putting cyborg chips in people’s brains. Perhaps a bit of a social-media junkie and definitely a wiz when it comes to app development or ethernet cables. We’re willing to bet you haven’t been able to pry him off his console since the new GTA came out so you know his eyes would light up at anything that enables his gadget addiction.
Debit - Cordito Plug Organiser
Credit - Old-School Original Game Boy
Splurge - Bang and Olufsen Speaker
Not in to gadgets? If you are more creative, ourdoorsy or foodie (or hell, a mix of all of the above) we've got our handpicked best buys for your price point.
Buying Christmas beard gifts for the man in your life can be tricky no matter if they are your brother, boyfriend or dad, even the bearded ones.
However, if the guy has a beard, you can be certain that some beard care items and or some form of facial hair item will be loved and cherished way beyond Christmas time.